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Our Approach

Synaptic is a place of optimism, determination, and resilience. We have a unique approach to working with our clients to restore hope and dignity. It includes:

Activity Based Therapy

Through focused stimulation and purposeful movements, our brain has the potential to reorganize, reconnect, and relearn. Our approach to rehabilitation and therapy encourages the brain and body to create new pathways for better channels of communication. 

Based On Research

The human brain can change. Building on this knowledge, the Synaptic team helps clients forge connections that allow the brain and body to work concurrently to potentially reconnect and relearn functional movements.


Neuroprotection refers to creating a neuro supportive environment to prevent or slow disease progression and secondary complications.


Neurorecovery is a process which aims to promote recovery from a nervous system injury, and to minimize collateral damage.


Neuroplasticity is the ability to undergo structural or physiological changes in response to new input and stimuli. Neuroplasticity builds new pathways for the brain and body to reconnect.

With Care Navigation

Synaptic’s Care Navigation Consulting is a supportive service extending beyond the four walls of our clinic. In addition to direct therapy, care navigation also helps our clients transition or resume life activities in a safe, independent, and autonomous manner.


Our team provides information on public or private options for in-home health care services, workplace transition support, education support, and caregiver support. We can also help facilitate the services required from our vetted community partners, who specialize in neuro rehabilitation solutions such as equipment suppliers, realtors, home renovators, home automation providers, financial advisors, legal advisors, travel agents, vehicle modification providers, universally accessible businesses and more.


We advocate alongside clients to determine and facilitate with their medical care team and insurance to justify why these additional supports are required to facilitate personal goals and improve quality of life, while determining additional funding opportunities.



While Reducing Cost Barriers

Synaptic aims to reduce the financial burden for those living with neurological conditions. We work on a cost-recovery model to help reduce the financial barrier to accessing care.

Registered Charity

Through the philanthropic generosity of private donors, corporate donors & public grants, we are able to reduce direct client costs. Synaptic’s goal is to deliver the highest standard of care in the most cost-effective manner.


Our services may be eligible for coverage from extended health benefits, Workers Compensation Board (WCB) coverage, Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) insurance, short-term disability insurance and long-term disability insurance. Please inform upon booking if any are applicable.

What Our Clients Say

Catherine RH

"The trainers and physiotherapists taught me how to use my body again. This team believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. Since starting with Synaptic I no longer use my power wheelchair. I slowly transitioned to a gutter walker, from there, a four wheeled walker, then to a cane, and now unassisted.

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